Friday, May 1, 2009

I am not into the idea of being without you

Unsurprisingly so, it's been a while. I've given up the notion of updating this blog frequently. Instead I settle for the mindless quick and easy solution that is Twitter. I'm still rather determined to maintain this blog. After all, I'm paying for it. Might as well use it.

So a quick update on what I is doing.
Today was my first official day of unemployment. I finished working for the insurance agency my mum works at this week. I was replacing Jenny, a rather dull woman, who is a secretary there. She went on maternity leave and extended it to 3 more months. So I found myself stuck there for 7 months. The plus side - a paycheck for 7 months. That is not to be dismissed in today's financial crisis. The down side - two horrible bosses. Another plus side - got to make my mum's life a little easier there. I bought her lunch every day. In the last month or so we started buying a meal together and splitting it between us. It was enough to make both of us full and we were able to share the pay. I'd get her half of the food on a nice plate for her, bring her that with a knife and a fork and a glasses of Coca Cola. Sort it out real nice for her to enjoy her lunch. That place is not a place where one can enjoy their lunch. You are expected to eat while you work. A break is out of the question. So even if she does eat while she works, I could take the burden of getting lunch from her. Sometimes she was so busy she struggled to find the time to eat, so when I put it on a plate right in front of her, she made the time.
I also went to the post office for her. It's supposed to be a every-other-day thing. She goes one day, Jenny goes the next. When I was there, I went everyday. It was my little trip, my chance to get away from that office, those horrid bosses. It was also my chance to buy lunch. Without it, I struggled to find the time to escape for a few minutes.
I fetched files for her. Did little things around the office to make her life slightly easy. I helped her when she had computer issues.
And more than anything, I would like to believe I was a friendly face in an otherwise unfriendly environment. While working we talked of American Idol, our family, our every day life. I didn't growl or look at her disapprovingly. I didn't come demanding anything of her. I was just there, a little island of sanity. At least I hope I was.
The only thing I would miss about that job is getting to make my mum's life there easier, and I suppose spending so much time with her. Even though it wasn't exactly quality mother-daughter time because we were busy working, I got to be around her and that was enough...

I would not, however, miss the bitch-boss and her jerk-brother. They can both go fuck themselves. Horrible people. The bitch-boss actually hugged me when I left. You know one of those hardly-touching-just-for-the-sake-of-it kind of hugs. Fuck her. The jerk made a move to make some sort of a gesture, I quickly eliminated it all by offering my hand for a handshake. Not entirely sure what he had in mind but this was the most he was getting. Bastard.

In other news I got accepted to both Tel Aviv University and Koteret school of journalism. Which raises a whole load of headache-inducing problems. But we'll prevail. As terrifying as that may be.

I am also hard at work planning my trip to the States. Hoping to see some good friends, some family, one David Cook (and hopefully a few more gigs... waiting for you - Relient K, Jack's Mannequin, The Rocket Summer...) and some sites. This would be an epic trip.

But more on that soon. Hopefully my unemployment would mean I will have enough time on my hands and be bored enough to blog more often. For now I am off to watch me some MORE Jensen Ackles, this time, after this week's Supernatural, I'm going to watch My Bloody Valentine. I just wish it was 3D.


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