Saturday, April 4, 2009

Some people are sick

I get fandom, I do. But some people have taken it too far. Haven't we got ENOUGH moronic religions? Opium for the masses indeed!

These Cullenists believe "[j]ust like any other religion," that there is
some spirituality to be had in the Twilight series, forming rules and principles
upon which to base their tenets. Their creed, say the Cullenists, includes a
base set of beliefs that "Edward and the rest of the Twilight characters are
real," that "[t]he Twilight series should be worshipped," and that "[i]f you are
good in life, you will be bless[ed] with eternity with the Cullens." Other than
that, say the Cullenists, there "is not a limit to what you can believe in when
it comes to the Cullenism religion . . . we will accept any other Cullenism
beliefs you may have." Cullenists are also expected to read some of the books on
a daily basis, "like the Bible" and make a pilgrimage to Forks.

More madness here.


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