Monday, March 9, 2009

David Cook makes me happy

I decided to try and blog more often. I always say this and I never follow through. But this time I'm gonna mean it. Because today I finally did something I've been telling myself I'd do and have been putting off - I sent my application (via the interweb) to Tel Aviv University. I seem to have the grades needed to be accepted into media, and for journalism school and English & American Studies I need to take exams to get in, so at least I'll have media, eh?
Now I just need to get my Koteret (journalism school) application sent in the mail and to pay the 650 shekels for the exam. I was going to do it tomorrow but it just crossed my mind that tomorrow is Purim (Jewish holiday that includes costumes, a lot of happiness, and a carte blanche to drink until the loss of senses. Yep, that's right, I swear! It's in the Bible, Book of Ruth, read it!) and while I'm working, the banks/post office/all other services are not working. That is including the insurance companies with which we work. I'd love to see my bosses handle that tomorrow.

Actually, speaking of which, my boss, the bitch, is busy with her new apartment. She's having construction work done on it before she starts moving her fat ass in, so she came to work late today and yesterday (at around 2pm, leaving me 3 hours or less to put up with her shit) which was a blessing, really. Some peace and quiet.
Her brother, however, is very much there. And when he's gone, she's there. It's like they're taking turns so we won't get to enjoy too much peace and quiet. He's becoming a right annoying little twat. It's like they're competing among themselves which of them I'd hate more. The bitch is still winning by a mile but her jerk of a brother is giving her a run for her money.
The bitch's move-mania is expected to last until sometimes early-mid-April when she moves in, but even then there'll be unpacking to do and all kinds of post-move errands. With that in mind, I can expect easier times ahead until I finally move that dreadful workplace on April 30th.
The funny thing is, my first day of unemployment would be May 1st - May Day (aka international workers day). Funny that. And one of the last few days of April (29th I think) is actually Israel's Independence Day. Can you feel the double-whammy of irony? I certainly can.

I have an interview at the American embassy on March 20th for my visa application. If (and hopefully) they approve my visa, I shall go on a East Coast trip of the US of A this late summer/early fall. If they do not, I'm gonna convince Hadar she's keen on a week-to-ten-days trip of the UK and maybe Ireland. Something that includes us hopping from one place to another rather than staying in London. Because I've been in London enough to say I've done most of the big touristy stuff.
In other yet related news, my uncle Jake and aunt Vanessa are visiting Israel. They came for the wedding of Jake's sister's granddaughter (Jake is the younger brother of my grandmother). They been to our place and I've seen them at grandma's (she was having a dinner for her siblings and my sister and I helped with serving food, clearing off the table and dishes) and both Jake and Vanessa said they'd love to have me over at their place in Miami. Happy day! That would save a couple hundred bucks. My aunt Yona in New York also said she'd have me at her apartment in Manhattan. A few more hundred bucks saved. Woop.

PS: David Cook makes me happy. It's pretty official now. My own personal brand of happy pills.


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